Fatigue reducing interconnect?

I am relatively new to this hobby and have assembled a system consisting of Musical Fidelity A5 Integrated, A5 CD Player, and Energy Veritas 2.3i speakers. Kimber Hero interconnects and Kimber 8tc cables complete the setup. While I notice much improved vocals, detail, bass, imaging, and transparency over my previous Adcom/Paradigm setup, at moderate to higher sound levels I am experiencing a brightness in the treble (and upper mid?) region that reduces listening enjoyment over longer periods. As a change of cd/amp/speakers/speaker cable (requires carpet work) is not economically feasible, I am wondering if you have a suggestion for another, similarly priced interconnect that may retain the above mentioned positive qualities while reducing a degree of harshness/fatigue. Thanks.
Check out the Cardas Twinlink/MicroTwin or the Cardas Quadlink. These will be a bit more musical and controlled.
Agree with Dpac996. If you get your room right, even a lamp cord will
sound terrific.
Keep the cables you have. Add some ferrite snap-on cores to the cables from the CD player. AQ used to have some big ones $25 each. Cheaper ones can be had at any Radio Shack (remember that place?). $6 each.
I have dozens I use on OEM power cords.. and used to use on CD interconnects.
The more ferrite, or bigger ferrite, the more HF attenuation. It is still subtle.. so it is not gonna ruin the sound.
Oh yes. How can I forget about those wonderful ferrite cores? Thank you
Elizabeth for reminding us. I have them on all the digital cables and power cords
and they really work. If you use a computer as music server, they are a must,
make sure they are on both ends of all USB and FireWire cables.

BTW, the ones sold by Radio Shack are small and less effective. You can get
better quality ones from Parts Express for about the same price. There is no
need to pay audiophile price for audiophile brand.