Krell CAST cables...which to buy?

I want to buy new CAST cables for my all EVO system (202/402/505). I think I currently have the original type.....purchased just over 3 years ago....about 1/4" diameter?
I have read many different opinions regarding the various choices available and would like to hear the up to date buzz on what is best. Unfortunately I cannot audition any so I have to make a god faith call on this.
My feelings on the sound of my gear right now is that it lacks a certain sparkle eg...cymbals seem muted and not metallic enough. Pianos don't have that percussiveness that they really have. Sound stage seems recessed. Not that I am looking for anything too bright.
I've read some posts that suggest the Nordost MMF is to fast and thin?
Any insight would be most appreciated.
When I owned my all Krell system I found the CAST cables made by Transparent were superior to the Krell CAST cables. I owned the 28C CDP; KCT; and 750 mono blocks
Cheers...I saw your posts on the subject.
I was wondering how the Nordost cables stacked up against those?
Reading some conflicting reports.
But that's hifi right ;-)
A friend here in the UK had a set of Cast cables specially made by Synergistic Research. This replaced the the Nordost and Transparent versions. I think it was a special order. He has Krell Evo system.