Elrod vs MIT

Hi to all. I have a question about power cords. I am thinking about upgrading to David Elrod's Statement Gold power cords. I know there have been some fantastic reviews of this new line of cables. Since there is no dealer in Holland it is not possible to try out EPS cables. Until now the best power cable I have tried at home is the MIT AC-2. Question: any of you compared these cables and what were your findings? My set consists of Spectral / dcs / Kef 207-2 / MIT oracles.
Thank your for your input!
Nirodha35, I've been extremely happy with the Elrod Statement Gold power cords which I reviewed last year. (http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?fcabl&1243482931&openmine&zzPuremusic&4&5) In the last 3 paragraphs of my review, I provided some temporal and harmonic details on the phenomenal resolution the Golds reveal on 5 specific CDs. If you have those CDs, you can check to see if you can hear the same level of resolution with the MIT AC-2. That may be a helpful option if you are unable to compare the MIT and the Golds side-by-side in your own system. If you can't find a European dealer who will loan you the Golds to try in your system, you might want to contact Brent Rainwater at Rainwater Audio. (843-665-6113, brainwater@sc.rr.com) He is one of the largest Elrod dealers in the USA.
Puremusic, I am sure the Elrod is a good cord as I have owned some of David's stuff in the past but that is a real stretch as a way to conclude anything and would seem very unfair to the MIT cord. Wouldn't your test just prove your system is more resolving of this detail than another and how would one correlate that to a cord vs speakers or room acoustics or ears or....
Glide3, You are absolutely right. I should have elaborated a bit more. My suggestion was meant only if Nirodha35 is not able to get a comparison (direct or indirect) between the MIT and Elrod. In that event, I didn't say my suggestion "will" be helpful, but that it "may" be a helpful option. I did not state that he will be able to "conclude" anything about which PC is better in his system. But some information may be better than none. Although, the interpretation of that information is tricky. As you say, a negative result may be the result of some other element in the system. However, a positive result "may" be helpful in boosting his level of confidence in the MIT rather than providing relative merits. i.e. If the same (or greater) level of resolution is perceived with the MIT, then Nirodha35 can have more confidence to go with the MIT. He still won't know which will be better. Unless he finds a dealer who is willing to loan him a demo.