Any suggestions for top-end home-made cables?

I want to upgrade my interconnects on a low budget. I can solder. Any suggestions, eg microphone cable? Plugs? What's best for the very low signal coming from an MC cartridge? I have a VDH Black Beauty cartridge in Adanalog parallel airbearing arm on Nottingham Analogue Dais TT, Silk SUTs, Croft phono/preamp, 211 SE amp, esl63s. Would welcome any wisdom and creative solutions, as I'm certain very good results must be obtainable at a fraction of the extortionate cost of "hifi" cables. My speaker cables are single strand pure silver in teflon, which work very well.

It sounds like you can do this...consider using Mogami Neglex 2534 mic cable - see AudiogoN item 1271282104. Let us know how it goes once you set out on a solution!

p.s. no affiliation with referenced item
Suggestion re Mogami Neglex seems a good one. The cable on Audiogon is listed as Quad Mic Cable, so there are 4 wires and a screen. How would I wire this to the plugs?
Greetings, Simon,

May I recommend:

This may very well be invaluable in your pursuit :-)
