Volume Control

I have changed one interconnect recently namely a Cardas Golden Cross. After the cable swap I can turn up the volume to a much louder level without being annoyed. I found new life on disks which I thought they were bad sounding before. Anyone who has some idea or share this experience? I listen to pop music generally not the heavy metal type occasionally crossover to light classic.
Yes I found the same thing when I put Golden Reference Cardas in my system. Just sounds better as Elizabeth said.
I, like others, have tried quite a few different cables. Hearsay kept me from sampling the Cardas line until just a few years ago. Though I have since moved on from the Golden Reference speaker cable and interconnect, I continue to feel they are very, very fine sounding wires. I still have my Cardas phono cable. It has a textural and musical quality that continues to pay dividends in enjoyment. No doubt, Golden Reference and Golden Cross give considerable pleasure to others as well, and that's always nice to hear.
Not too surprising to hear that the Golden Cross enticed you to turn it up! The Golden Cross has a consistently "warm" sound in almost any application. Don't take that as a slam....some systems that have gone too far to the detailed, revealing side benefit greatly from such a fine cable.

Just curious, did you put the Golden Cross on your digital source?
Thanks everyone for the responses. Indeed cables do play part in how the system sounds and mix and match mandatory. I have tried many many AQ i/c and some other Cardas cables until the GX is put in. I shall spend more time to listen and enjoying the music more so.

Hifiman5 interestingly it is a vinyl system. Golden Cross is used between the phono pre and the main amplifier. The last chain in the system is a pair of Omega Super 3 XRS with a sub augmenting the lowest frequency range below approximately 80hz.
That is interesting as the Golden Cross is used by many audiophiles to tame the upper midrange and treble of digital sources that are all too often "hot" in those areas.