AntiCables v. Morrow?

Looking to buy 1st cable upgrade from #10 wire. For Ohm Walsh 100-S3s and Spendor S3/5s running off ATI 1502 Power amp with CJ PV 6 tube preamp and Cambridge 740C. Listen to lots of jazz, female vocals, blues, acoustic music. I found the preamp softened and warmed up my sound taking off what I thought was some edge but as an older amp some detail too. Trying to decide on what kinds of speaker cable to move towards. Cant afford to go truly esoteric...$200 -300 max. Can people give me a sense of the relative benefis or tradeoffs between the two companies and the types of cable they sell?
Another happy Morrow SP4 and MA4 user. The best cable I have had in my system and I have tried a few, Acoustic Zen, Ridge street, Silver Arrow. All good, but the Morrow is better. Hint, if you are going for them look at the Exdem sales or wait till Mike has his periodic sales on new cables
I have the SP3's in biwire. They sounded great right out of the box, but I broke them in as instructed. Actually about 400 hours. It's amazing how thin and light they are, and how they perform.
The bass is what boggled my mind given the awg, but never saw the musicality and just flat out pace and timming at the same time, my SP-3's will be in my system till I can get the SP-4's and if I don't then who cares its just "give me more of this stuff" that's got me now. had them about a year now and still in love!
Cut thru the hype. Get the Anti cables. A bit unconventional but the separation wins out vs some expensive cables I DID USE
Bought AC for speakers and Morrow MA1 interconnects. Installed the ICs first. Breakin has been hairy as sound has been all over the place from initially sounding good to becoming brittle and biting then smoothing out some. Have to wait to see how it goes. Just put the ACs in this weekend and it was a huge improvement. I got them off the"gon and the terminations did not fit my ATI amp so I subbed in my old SAE which is still pretty good sounding. Improvement was so significant my wife questioned why I hadnt just bought "new wire" instead of the amp and preamp. For kicks I put in the old SAE pre instead of the Cj and it got even better? Still sounds warm but is more detailed. Very interesting changes. Not sure where its going but I am thinking I need to either get correctly terminated ACs so I can put the new amp back or maybe try some Morrow speaker cables and see how that sounds.