Power cord for MHDT Havana

My system
Paradigm S4(fronts)
Rel Strata III sub
B&K 7270 200X7 amp
B&K ref30 preamp
Blue jeans cables ( interconnects)
Speaker cables (Blue jeans)
Transport Technics SL MC7(12 year old)
Recently purchased MHDT HAVANA.

No After market power cords purchased or tested yet.

It has been probably 150 hours of MHDT havana, while doing A & B switching, I dont see significant difference in the sound quality between with or without the DAC. I saw the bigger difference when I removed the grills from the speakers.

Now My question is what could get me best improvement from here on.

Let me know your opinions.

Sandhya - bypass the SL-MC7 altogether with a Squeezebox Touch (or borrow from a friend?) and enjoy 24 bit / 96 kHz digital streaming jacked into the Havana with a descent digital cable. See how it sounds...
Can you give more details about your upgrades. Also let me know the configuration of your system.

I am pretty sure Paradigms are pretty revealing. Could that be the jitter problem. Is it possible that Jitter introduced by the external dac is compensating the improvements provided by the external dac.

Yes I agree that if you aren't hearing an improvement with the Havana (I own one and think it is great sounding digital) then don't waste your money on a power cord. That said, I think the Electraglide Synapse II sounds really good on the Havana. They have a ridiculous list price but can be had for a fraction of that used.
Can you give more details about your upgrades. Also let me know the configuration of your system.
At the time, I had a Yamaha receiver and Dahlquist speakers. Switching to separate amp and preamp improved resolution, but the most significant change came when I had the right amp driving my speakers. If you don't get that synergy right, you'll waste a lot of time and money upgrading source components. In my system, resolution really came into focus with: Promitheus TVC preamp, Quicksilver Mid Monos, Alon Model I speakers, Rega Planet 2000. It wasn't an expensive system, but it was extremely satisfying.

You might want to take the advice of Notec and Ejlif to use a different transport to see if things improve. If you have a computer, try connecting it to the Havana and see how it sounds. When you import into your computer, use the highest resolution possible. If using iTunes, import as AIFF or Apple Lossless. Using your computer will be the cheapest way to test things. If you have questions on how to set that up, this is a good place to ask for help.
Well, I have strongly agree with Mingles. There is something in your system (or room/setup) that is not allowing it to show its full potential. I recommend doing a little experiment; pick up an inexpensive passive preamp (e.g., creek, CI)-even better if you can borrow one, and see what happens when you take the B&K preamp out of the chain. That might be your answer, or if not, move you one step closer to the cause. Good luck!