Contact Cleaner Recommendations??

Hi Everyone

I was just wondering what is the *best* or recommended type of contact cleaner to use for interconnects, speaker cables, power cables etc...

Thanks in Advance
I clean all connections with Kontak about every 3 months,no residue afterwards,a really good thing.Is it the "best",I have no idea.It suits my needs.
Hi everyone!
Kontak cleaner arrived today and have just finished cleaning all connections on power cables, XLR interconnects, speaker connections etc....


What a difference! Like a veil was lifted and everything sounds fantastic! I can`t believe something so simple could make such a huge impact on the sound!

Definitely highly recommended and thank you to everyone who recommended this to me.

One happy Audiophile!

Did you clean the contacts on the AC plug? I find that might be the most significant contact out of all of them in the system. It's like changing the receptacles: much more transparent, far more information and a drop in the noise floor of the system!
Yes I did MBA
It was incredible how much more i was able to hear from my system once everything was cleaned. And totally agree with far more information. Was listening to one of my fave reference cds after the clean and was just sitting there thinking to myself i never heard that before etc....
Kontak really does make a difference that`s for sure.
hi guys
don`t have paypal acct.has anyone used a credit card to buy?just wondering if it`s safe using one