Tweaks to Add A Little Treble Emphasis...

greetings all, i'm wondering what tweaks can be done to add a little forwardness and treble emphasis to a system...

Silver IC's?
Specific Power Cords?

i'm currently using stock cords and audio arts ic's and would like to add a little bit to the upper frequencies.

amp is spectron musician 3 mk 2; preamp is aesthetix calypso with Sylvania 3M-BP 5751 and Amperex Orange Globe 6922 tubes.

any suggestions?

many thanks,
Do you want to play with your crossover at all? If yes, you can reduce the series tweeter resistor value by .5 or 1.0 ohm. That will result in increasing the output of the tweeter by a bit.

I agree with those who have suggested starting with speaker placement and room acoustics. It would be useful to know more about your speakers and room.
wow, what a fantastic collection of suggestions - thanks sincerely, all. to the questions asked of me:

Sidssp: the calypso is only a few years old, however, more importantly, the tubes were just purchased last week - tested new at the time of purchase.

Johnnyb53: speakers are gallo stradas (more on that below).

Bob: reducing the tweeter resistance sounds interesting, but i have no idea how to go about doing something like that.

to make a long story longer, once my son got mobile, i made significant changes to my 2-channel system to make things a bit safer for him. the biggest being replacing my Wilson Audio Cubs with Anthony Gallo Stradas. I find the Stradas to be immensely satisfying, and often marvel at how large they sound given their diminutive size.

if there's one thing i'd like to tweak is a little more 'sizzle' in the treble.

many thanks for all the suggestions so far - you guys have given me a lot of great options to explore!
per the great suggestions here, i spent some time tonight with speaker placement and most importantly how my JL Audio Sub was integrated with the Stradas and was able to improve the tonal balance tremendously. it's quite remarkable how little changes can impact things - note to self, the best placement of one speaker may not be the best for another!

i don't think i'm there just yet, as i'd like to tip up the treble just a touch more and add and a some forwardness, especially where vocals are concerned. With the Cubs, the performers were right in front of me; the Stradas are a little more recessed. The soundstage is ENORMOUS, but doesn't come forward like the Wilsons did.

are there way to affect the forwardness of a system? i don't know what contributes to that...
working on the forwardness of vocals, i just tweaked the equalizer in the playback software i'm using (i always leave this off, but for testing, i was curious) and found that by bumping the 110-220 hz zone just a touch, i was able to make the vocalists much more forward sounding.

makes perfect sense, actually.

is there a way to accomplish this with tubes, IC's, or PC's??