Tweaks to Add A Little Treble Emphasis...

greetings all, i'm wondering what tweaks can be done to add a little forwardness and treble emphasis to a system...

Silver IC's?
Specific Power Cords?

i'm currently using stock cords and audio arts ic's and would like to add a little bit to the upper frequencies.

amp is spectron musician 3 mk 2; preamp is aesthetix calypso with Sylvania 3M-BP 5751 and Amperex Orange Globe 6922 tubes.

any suggestions?

many thanks,
I agree with Tvad regarding the inherent differences in sound among loudspeakers. I've known some that have "built in" crispness or sizzle, top end rolloff, a forward or a distant perspective, relatively flat or 3-dimensional soundstage, etc. This can be said about other kinds of components as well. Nevertheless, there are numerous instances where fine tuning and mixing/matching can and do render desired changes or improvements.
If you think it sounds better using the software EQ, then use the software EQ.
A pre-amp with good tone controls, a separate equalizer, and/or a speaker with on board adjustments is the way most people would address this. Pretty straightforward and flexible solutions.

Nobody ever said audiophiles were normal though.

Otherwise, adjusting toe-in, tilt, and or other factors that affect exactly which way directional drivers are facing relative to the listener is another other solution guaranteed to have some effect.