Synergistic R Hologram D powercord

I play a Wadia 861Se with a Tesla T3 powercord.
Audinet Pre G2 also T3
Audionet Mono's T3UHC
Interconnects are Stealth Indra( Wadia-pre) - SR Ac. Ref. ( pre-mono's)
Speaker cable is SR Ac. Ref. with the Galileo speaker Cells.
All SR cables powered by the Galileo MPC.

I am thinking about an upgrade for the Wadia to the SR Hologram D.
Anyone can tell me if it's worth the extra money?
What can I expect in compare with the T3 ?
In between these satisfied members praise for SR stuff you see pop up TVad and AudioF with their wise ass remarks about whatever.

Glory (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Second time I've read this.

I have been critical of Tbg in his SR posts. The reasons have been discussed, and need not be repeated.

As far as the SR products are concerned, I've mentioned that I've auditioned and purchased some MiG footers, which I find to be effective, if overpriced for what they are, IMO.

I have also been critical of the cost of $35 SR two-to-three prong adapters, which are simply $.99 Leviton adapters that have been zapped with high voltage electricity ("quantum tunneled").

If that frankness comes across as offensive, then so be it, but common sense helps put things into perspective at times.
Come on TV you have been a smart ass on the SR thread. If the Gon gods allow I can copy your degrading remarks. You and Billy need to let it go sometimes.
Come on TV you have been a smart ass on the SR thread. If the Gon gods allow I can copy your degrading remarks.
Glory (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Okey-dokey. Sounds like fun!
Wow, things are getting heavy. I was just looking for somebody who has experienced the Hologram D in combination with a Wadia.
Since we all know there is no "best cable in the world".
I don't need to be convinced about the quality of SR since I sold my previous NBS cables.
Few words although about the Stealth Indra. I have a love-hate relationship with that cable .This is in my opinion a Chameleon.
It's a very neutral interconnect that does't mask a thing. You hear the source straight uncovered( Wadia 861SE in my case). This Indra obligates you to upgrade the weakest links. SR cables can tweak the sound and that's not a bad thing at all since every room sounds different. Once found the right balance the Indra will blend in though needs a very, very long burn-in period.
One last thing , it makes no sense spending good money on exotic power cords if you don't change the cheap nickel stock fuses inside the components. I don't understand why manufacturers producing expensive highend components using cheap nickel fuses.... At the end of the day that's where all the current has to pass. But that's an other topic.