speaker cables

hello all. i am lookin to upgrade my current spkr cable sitiation, i am employing kimber kable bi-focal x presently. i am running a b.a.t. ss amp with a b.a.t. tube pre. my speakers are KEF 205 reference. i like the kimbers, but, am looking for more. i auditioned jps labs superconducters, but was not satisfied enough to make a change. i've heard glowing reviews of purist audio, and synergistic research. help! any feedback would be greatly appreciated. i'm lookin to make a change soon, so, any immediate feedback would be great. thanks, GMAN
thanks for the quick response. i guess im looking for more detail, better mids, etc. i guess im tryin to squeeze as much as i can out of the kefs

I have a pair of Clear Day Double Shotgun cables for sale here.

Please, chek out this link:

Gman, try calling the Cable Company and audition both S/R and Purist in your system. You might also want to try a pair of the Kimber Bi-Focal XL cables, which might just give you exactly what you are looking for. Enjoy
If your going to call the cable co, then as I've posted elsewhere try the S/R speaker cells on what you already have.