Synergistic R Hologram A or T3 on preamp ???

Hi, has anyone experience the difference between Hologram A or T3 on the pramp.
I have a Hologram D on the Wadia.

Hologram D is a no brainer for digital.....Ted says try on the pre an T3 or Holo A.....

help please
Joris, I compared the Hologram A versus the T2 on my preamp and preferred the T2. That certainly was not the case on my amp where I tried both the Power Reference and the T2. The Hologram A was clearly best.

I think the difference between the T2 and T3 is just gauge of wire. You don't need the heavy gauge on a preamp.

I should say that the Hologram A is a pain to use because of its bulk and stiffness.
I had a T2 on my pre amp and preferred the T3. The soundstage depth and width openned up more, especially in the surround effects for movies. Everything seemed to open up more. I did once try a Precision Reference and it sounded best, more detailed, but a little overkill for the money.

Regards Bacardi
Hologram A sounded better than the T-3 on my preamp - its a matter of matching with the other components and cabling in your system. Coming from Virtual Dynamics best cabling, the Hologram A is a piece of cake to use. Its all relative. Try both and see which you prefer.:-)
Thanks a lot for the reactions.
I've got the Hologram A from my dealer to try at home.
My first impression in compare with the T3 is a more "meaty" bass....and sounds more "foreward".
I don't know it's worth the extra money as I live in Belgium and the SR prices in Europe are almost double compared with the States.
I also tried the Hologram A on my Wadia 861SE to compare with the D . Same story , more right in the face fatter sound. Not as refined as the D.
Did anyone tried the Hologram A on a cd player ?
Greetz , Joris
The Hologram D is meant for digital and the Hologram A for analogue(amp).

Regards Bacardi