XLR cable for basic beginner

hi all:
need some suggestion to choose about which XLR cable to start and have good value and sound:)
budget around $100-$150 for used,here my list found here
AUDIOQUEST king cobra
my system :
KRELL KAV-400xi amp
ARCAM CD mod with XLR
speaker cable is use bulk monster cable and IC
Hi Sam,

You're welcome! Yes, my comments are applicable to the 3173, as well as to the other Mogami AES/EBU cables whose specs are shown here.

Best regards,
-- Al
I second Clio09 on the Mogami cables. When I decide to move from RCA to XLR, I tried a couple high end cables, borrowed, and then tested very cheap XLR cables and only heard a slight difference. Because there was a difference, I then rushed to Guitar Center and bought Mogami Gold cables to complete, the now oh so tempting, A-B test...could not hear any difference in the $36 cable compared to the $$$ XLR cable. I really tried to hear the difference too...I have the funds and wanted to justify more cool toys but I just could not.

My buddy who I borrowed the cables from was also a bit chagrined as we tried guessing what cables were playing and it was a 50/50 toss up in accuracy...in short, just a guess as to what was playing. :)

My system retails for some $35K+ so I think it was somewhat worthy of making good use of the $$$ cables.

For now, until I can find something that just wows me or I just have an itch to burn some cash, I am sticking with the Magami cables. My nice RCA cables will move to a 2nd system I am putting together.

Ok...recently went to Shunyata XLR cables... I can not hear the difference. Cleaner and wider sound stage than the Mogamis.

I got a great price on them so I figured...why not, they look cool. Ummmmm....they sound good too. :)

I have used Shunyadas's top power cords for a while with stunning results , but there interconnects seem over priced on a performance per dollar basis .
Oops.... Meant I can now hear the difference. I agree on the price to performance but since I get them so cheap, I said what the heck... Glad I did.