XLR cable for basic beginner

hi all:
need some suggestion to choose about which XLR cable to start and have good value and sound:)
budget around $100-$150 for used,here my list found here
AUDIOQUEST king cobra
my system :
KRELL KAV-400xi amp
ARCAM CD mod with XLR
speaker cable is use bulk monster cable and IC
I have balanced XLR cable Anti-Cables for 1/2 price..1 meter if anyone wants.
"You're wasting the money you spent on the rest of the system! What a shame!"

This may not be the most outrageous statement I have read on Audiogon, but it's in the top three.
Some of you people should think before you type.
A 6 foot pair of Mogami Studio Gold will be well under budget. new. Find 'em at Guitar Center.
It's all a matter of opinion, why is your opinion more valid than any other opinions? The original poster asked for opinions, I gave him mine. He can do with it what he wants, including ignoring it if he wishes, no problem. Opinions are opinions, nothing more, including yours.

My opinion is that the listed components cost over $10,000 and some effort is warranted in finding a synergistic IC.

If an excellent IC can be found for $100, great! But perhaps $250 to $500 might be more realistic. I'm talking used here.
Would you put $29.99 tires on a $100,000 car Mr. Know-it-all?
Your only bone of contention, was the MSRP of the cable. You said he 'wasted' his money on the system because he did not buy an oracle-endorsed cable. I stand by my categorization of your statement. Apologize to the OP and say you spoke in haste without thinking it through. I have done that and offered an apology. And if you want to recommend a cable, give some reason other than MSRP, which is just haphazard at best, and has no relationship to performance or cost to produce.