Tonearm cable recommendations...

I have a Morch DP-6 and looking to find a great tonearm cable to go with it. I have an old VDH MC P-502 cable which sounds really good, but hoping to find something better...all opinions that can help appreciated. The budget is really around 500 USD and these seems real interesting to me...

Origin Live Linear Flow 2
Furutech ag-12

...and this is the one I'd really like to try and I know it is above my budget but opnions welcome (maybe they don't come with straight DIN that I need anyhow)...

Nordost Tyr

...(as I am very happy with my Nordost Blue Heaven speaker cables) and of course any cables you'd recommend.

Ag insider logo xs@2xgo4vinyl
What about this? It's the Nordost Quattro Fil, currently being offered on our forum for under $400.00.

I was considering it, but I've decided to go in another direction for my tonearm.
I have been very happy with a Hovland MusicGroove2 that should sell for about $500. They come with straight DIN, right angle DIN and all rca's. Great cable check them out in the archives.
I noticed that you have TTWeights product. Check with them. They have a nice silver phono cable for less than $500.