Best new Liquid conductor technologies-Audio Magic

I now have compared and now own 2 of Audio magics new Liquid Air cables this new liquid conductor is the 1st True liquid conductor on the market I have the Sorcerers
which I did compare with many $1k interconnects and these cables are smooth at first you think a little laid back but not the case there is no metal in the conductor .All metal based cables have inherant high frequency ringing that comes out as distortion and pick up RFI Not so with these cables they take a solid 300 hrs just to start settling in.IN my main system I have the Illusions
I just want to report that the interconnects are breaking in very well I am hearing details in Beatles music and voices that were just a blur in other high end cables and voices sound true to life with exceptional timing and depth if instruments is exceptional even after 300 hours the Bass is exceptional and very articulate. I am told they will continue to improve ,it is hard to believe they can get better still, these liquid Illusion interconnects are the best new
cable technologies I know of.I can tell you briefly the speaker cables just increase the performance even better. A good description would be in a nutshell a very natural sounding signal . Check them out they have 4 different price groups even the entry level cable is better than anything in it's price group overall.
Hi Jerry,
I have a lot of respect for what you do. I have heard many of your products, not just your cables. I can see real innovation behind your products which not many designers in the industry do. I also know you have lot many satisfied customers and I can see why. I would have loved to be a part of that community as well. But then if I do find some issues with the cables it should not directly imply that either my system is flawed or my taste is not neutral. I use some of the most neutral gears this industry produces, ATC speakers and Symphonic Line Amplifier. I swear by neutrality but the fact is I could hear a particular signature sound with AM cables which I could not get over with. The cables did not disappear in my system.

In the end the debate can always go on as to whether the system exposed the cable's weakness or is it the cable that exposed the system's weakness.

you may be describing what you perceive as the sound of "silver".

it's unlikely that a stereo sysyem will sound smooth and whitish. these adjectives are almopst contradictory.

depending how implemented, and the rest of the system, the so-called silver signature is most evident in the treble region.
Hello Mrtennis, I am still wondering whether we both mean the same when we say "smooth". To me smoothness is a presentation without unnecessary edges combined with lack of overall sharpness. It has nothing to do with the tone color, thats my definition.
To illustrate, two cables which I find smooth yet tonally very different are Transparent Audio and Audio Magic. The AM has a very different tonal color though.

Coming over to sound of Silver...oh yes I am highly sensitive to the sound of silver. Especially the vocal range. Even a small trace of silver sound catches my attention almost instantly. Again I would say it is mostly in the vocal range where I hear the most. And, I have realized over time that anomalies are much easier to detect than strength. Most of the "Silver" effect can be heard all the way from lower midrange to high treble. And, vocals do cover a huge range. If a cable is flawed in the highs, chances are very high that it will show up in the vocals as well and it has always done in my case. It is extremely difficult to reproduce rightness of vocals. To me till date not a single Silver interconnect has got the vocals right. I would admit that I have not tried the high end Kondo, Audio Note, Argento and the likes. Would like to try them some time and see if my perception changes. But yes, you are right that the AM cables did have some "silver" sound.
In my audio vocabulary, smooth and whitish are not contradictory. And whitish is generally a deal killer.
whitish to me means roughness, or grainy.

imagine a piece of wood that is smooth. if it suddenly feels rough (whitish), it is no longer smooth.

so it matters what you mean by whitish.

in photography it would be considered a chromatic aberration.

so, in audio , while it is not a frequency response phenomenon, if it is a timbral error, there is a good chance that smoothness would suffer.