Will a good power cable replace the need for a PC?

I've heard mixed opinions on the use of a power conditioner. My question is, does the use of a high end power cable replace the need for a power conditioner? A local high-end retailer claims that the power cables he uses can run directly to a wall socket, and that a power conditioner can actually create more problems than it solves. I'm currently in the process of upgrading my cables and wondering what the best solution is.
Albert, what you did is very impressive. Unfortunately, some of us who live in apartments, condos and rented houses cannot do it. You also mentioned the difficulties that this approach may encounter.
What I need first of all is to stabilize the power and only then think about conditioning. So I thought that something like better Furman or PurePower might work well in my modest system and do both things at the same time. For now I only have a turntable, small phono stage, tape deck and 60watt/ch integrated to plug in. And in my experience power cords can sometimes do wonderful things, by the way.
Albert, what you did is very impressive. Unfortunately, some of us who live in apartments, condos and rented houses cannot do it. You also mentioned the difficulties that this approach may encounter.

No doubt, just saying even if a person could afford all those conditioners it probably cost more that what I did. I spent about $3800.00 for everything listed.

What I need first of all is to stabilize the power and only then think about conditioning. So I thought that something like better Furman or PurePower might work well in my modest system and do both things at the same time.

Yes, each situation is different as I posted previously. Since you cannot change what you have it makes sense to improve with add ons.

And in my experience power cords can sometimes do wonderful things, by the way.

Agreed, I've been using aftermarket AC cords for over 25 years. Many offerings today are extremely good.
Albertporter, I AM impressed with you A/C!
For the price it was still a bargain.
In fact it cost less than one Purist Audio Dominus power cord! But no Ferox. Well, you can never have everything.