Cardas Cold Forging

Has anyone tried the new Cardas option to have their speaker cable and connectors cold forged, making for a solid connection with no "connective" points with solder, etc. Sounds good in theory for line transmission, but can you hear any difference? If so what? I'm using Cardas Golden Reference.
i rest my case.
he is just going to be argumentative to the end.
he must be a lot of fun to live with.
best, b
It isn't supposed to be an argument like you state. It would be nice to see the measured facts for this claim of the elimination of Eddy Currents. This could be great for mankind, if this is really the case too. This could be measured. Fact finding, not arguing.
then you have a very funny way of finding facts.
rather than casting doubt on mr cardas's work, why not contact him and find out for yourself.
ok i dare you, say something else to get the last word!
Well to me, it looks like a great termination process, and I have ordered my Golden Reference speaker cables with this termination. To those who doubt its benefits, don't have it done...