What power cable for DAC?

I've had my PS Audio Digital Link III for a couple weeks now. The first week I ran it off the factory power cord and it sounded quite good. I figured it could benefit from a better pc so I got a Pangea AC-14 from Audio Advisor. Now I know this isn't the greatest pc on the market, but for the price I thought I couldn't go wrong. It has made my system a lot brighter and subdued the low notes significantly. Does anyone have any suggestions for a better pc for this dac?? If it makes any difference, my Arcam integrated amp is running off a PS Audio Prelude SC pc.
I have used the NRG3 both with and without the ferrite magnets on amps and preamps. Although the sound was dynamic, clear and tonaly accurate, my MIT AC2 power cord simply elevates whatever amp/preamp I've used it on to a wole other realm of musicality"O) Enjoy!
The most obvious choice would seem to be something from PS Audio. I like their power cords. They may not always be the best in every circumstance, but they never suck, and same-brand synergy is an attractive possibility. Many online PS Audio dealers offer a 30-day return period, so you could burn it in, try it out, and return it if it's a bad match.

I recently switched to all Zu cable in my 2-channel system--ICs, speaker cables, and power cords. The focus and synergy are beyond anything I had with mixed brands of cables. I'm not necessarily pushing for Zu; in fact, since you have a PS Audio DAC and are already using a PS Audio PC on your integrated, a PS Audio power cord for the DAC is the first logical place to look.
There is no obvious choice. Since power cords, speaker wires, and interconnect cables are simply a tone control, (there is no such thing as a straight wire with gain), the only way to truly determine what works in an individual system is to try it. There is no right answer.