Do powercords make a difference in sound?

Do they make a difference by upgrading stock power cords in amps, ect versus aftermarket power cords? If so, can anyone advise a good bang for the buck upgrade?
I spent $300 for new wall sockets and PS Jewel power cords... some here pay that for a single interconnect. The audible difference in base performance and reduction of irritants in sound was well worth it.

Having done electrical construction long ago I strongly suggest anyone start first with replacing the wall sockets with heavy duty sockets...the plug in your wall is likely the cheapest garbage possible and you won't benefit much from connecting a heavy duty power cable to a pot metal wall socket.
I'm not getting suckered into a flame-war, and obviously won't respond to someone who has resorted to calling names. Anyone can click on the "This Thread" button under my or any other member's posts here and determine for themselves who contributed what to the discussion. My regards to those many who participated with diligence and in earnest.
Mrtennis, given your perspective in this matter perhaps your reviews should come with a disclaimer:

"I can't really determine what this component sounds like because I used it in a system, and I have no clue what it might sound like in your system. Weight my comments accordingly."

Perhaps you could use all your philosophy to develop a new method of reviewing, one in which only the component sans the rest of the system could be used. Then you would be able to say:

"I can't really determine what this component sounds like because I didn't use it in a system, and I have no clue what it will sound like in your system. Weight my comments accordingly." :)
Rwwear, ok, I respect your response, thank you.

When discussing with Liguy it appeared that he had tried only similar cables and was now interested in trying ones with dissimilar build/design. Is that perhaps also the case for you?

I'm sure the Krell amps have been very high performers. I currently am using (for review) some top level amps and they show a clear change in sound with various power cords. So, I'm not inclined to believe that the power supply quality diminishes the influence of power cords.

I would imagine that if a person worked in the industry and saw a case of overcharging or misrepresenting the quality/technology of the cabling they would be quite digusted and consider it hokum. But shenanigans by a company in the industry would not prove that cabling with different designs, conductors, etc. cannot sound different. Again, the fact that there is little "solid ground" on which an audiophile can stand in determining the quality/validity of cables in general (i.e. regarding price to performance ratio) does not negate the sonic effect of various designs.

Douglas_schroeder, you say that Mrtennis is saying, "I can't really determine what this component sounds like because I used it in a system, and I have no clue what it might sound like in your system. Weight my comments accordingly."
Apart from the last part of what you say he is saying, it is a true statement in my opinion. As reviewers, we have to hope as do our readers that there is a good deal of communality between our systems, hearing, and tastes. I suspect there is but this sharing is not total. Every time I attend a show and learn what rooms are rated "best sounding" and I totally disagree, I am aware of the lack of sharing.

At its best reviewers, I think, can say this component, cable, etc. deserves your serious consideration. I have also learned over time, that from some reviewers I should ignore this recommendation.