Ocellia cables IC why not much talk?

I've been listening to some Ocellia interconnects now and am just amazed at their naturalness and tonality. They have great detail and sound staging. Would be intested in hearing from others who have any experience with this line?
Knghifi, if you read a few of the previous threads, you will see that Sabai is totally sold on the HiDiamond cables. Sounds almost as though he is doing the selling quite frankly! Perhaps the distributor should consider using him as their salesperson in the US!
I just placed an order for some Acoustic Zen cables myself because I couldn't find a Canadian retailer for Ocellia and simply couldn't wait much longer! I had been doing my research on-line and after a few names came up, I realized I might as well simply get what I was comfortable with. Sometimes, it is easier to just go with what you know!
Musicallyinclined, I'm aware of the threads and NOT in the market for cables.

With ASI Liveline PCs in my system, I found missing frequencies so it's impossible to properly evaluate ICs and SCs. I'm just curious with the results when Sabai replaces his Liveline PCs with HiDiamonds.
With all due respect, please note that I have stated numerous times on these forums that I have no connection with ANY audio company except as a very happy customer. The distributor of HiDiamond has personally confirmed this on these forums. I am also a VERY happy customer of AMR, Bybee and Joseph Audio. I will be posting about their amazing products in due time. I have already posted a very enthusiastic review of Merlin speakers. By no means is my enthusiasm restricted to the products of a single company.
Sabai, I appreciate your reviews and enthusiasm but sometimes you tend to get a touch carried away with the HD this & HD that comments which, honestly, gets a bit tiresome. I asked you if you knew of any U.S. dealers a few posts back and you replied that you ended up doing business with the Canadian distributor directly. My concern is that you may be getting something in return for the numerous posts which MAY make your opinion biased.
I would love to see what you have to say about Joseph Audio as I am currently on the market for bookshelf speakers. I heard these at one of the shows and I was absolutely blown away by them.
In the meantime, let us go back to the subject at hand which is Ocellia cables: my question is, why are there no stores (or distributors) listed on their web-site? I gave up trying to find them for my system (went with Acoustic Zen instead) but I am still interested in the Ocellia for my second system. Anyone know where I can listen to these in Ontario?
It will take a while before I am ready to replace my ASI power cords with HiDiamond. I have too many things going on at once at the moment. I will wait till my AMR DP-777 is burned in before taking the plunge.