Ocellia cables IC why not much talk?

I've been listening to some Ocellia interconnects now and am just amazed at their naturalness and tonality. They have great detail and sound staging. Would be intested in hearing from others who have any experience with this line?
If you must audition these cables before buying(I can understand why) they may not be a good choice for you. I purchased mine without hearing them(word of mouth enthusiasm) and it worked out fine. I realize everyone is`nt comfortable doing that however.You may just have to go in another direction.
How do you guys manage to spend tons on money on stuff you don't listen to first? That's what's beyond me!
Seriously Charles, would you buy a car without test-driving it first? You can't always trust what you read (especially when there are so few reviews on many of these brands, except by so-called "end-users" on forums such as this one).
How about using some common sense mates? If stores don't carry brands, there must be a reason!
There`s no lack of common sense, there are some product and components you won`t be able to audition without buying first(example use items on audiogon). Some products are only sold direct(and don`t always offer a trial policy).
We all have our own comfort level,you should adhere to your own predetermined level that`s all.
I purchased my SET amplifier(new),speakers(used),transport and DAC(new) without prior listening and the system sounds wonderful, surpassing my high expectations. I completely understand your reservations and this method would`nt work for you.I was able to audition my linestage prior to buying.Word of mouth impressions from owners is very insightful and of high value. Also 'certain' reviewers I`ve developed trust in over the years.

It`s a chance I`m willing to take and it has worked out very well for me,to each their own.If I limited myself to what`s only available in stores I`d missed out on some superb audio components.If you require audition before purchase then stick to it, I`m sure it has served you well.
I like your logic Charles. I will stick to buying gear the way that I am comfortable with, as I am sure many others do. There simply is too much stuff out there that is pure rubbish as far as I can tell. Reviewers can be biased (or bought!) and we don't really know who is lurking on these forums (for instance) either.
I read a few mags and go on-line to check up on stuff, but very often have been disappointed when I actually HEARD the products. I truly believe that everyone's ears are different and it comes down to what works for YOU!