I hope this thread would be a more guidance for audiophiles who are searching the over $1.000 digital AES/EBU cables for their system(s) as there is so much information available about low cost cables.
As there is no a one right reference cable for all, I hope that this is not thread where audiophiles just say "best of bests" or "best ever", but give comprehensive findings / experiences of their current reference cable vs. other AES/EBU cables used in their system.

It would be good start comparison between following cables:
1) MIT Oracle MA-X Digital
2) Stealth Varidig Sextet
3) Kubala-Sosna Emotion
4) ASI Liveline
5) Transparent Reference
6) Audio Nirvana Transmission

I hope that this thread will be helpful as we share the same passion.
Hi Richard,

Thanks for your great input. As described the Kubala-Sosna is for people who love very warm sound...
As I love details (though I am not freak ;=)) and neutral sound (why I love Millenium MK IV), you can easily make differences with different component (pc or interconnect). you would describe MIT vs. Sextet in case of neutrality and instruments sounding close to real?
...Is MIT able to deliver instruments warmth or is MIT a lot of dynamics and details leaning a little bit more analytical side comparing to Sextet?

...Frankly saying if we assume that system is E2E a very neutral sounding from recordings point, but instruments should take a little step forward sounding a more real which one you would recommend?
(Taking guitar and playing it vs. recording)

Sorry that I tried to approach a same thing from different angles, but hopefully you understand what I am looking for ;=)

Yes, we audiophiles have different tastes, but there are also the people who share the same taste ;=) My perfect audio nirvana is that instruments e.g. guitar sound close to real and neutral (warmth sound is there when it is there) even I would played myself at the same time when playing the same song from front end (source) ;=)
Ijarvile....I really am not sure, it's been some time since I had other cables here. I definitely found the MA-X more true to the source. My system does produce very "real" sounding instruments and I suppose the digital cable is an influence but all of my gear was selected for accuracy so it's also a sum of the parts.

Do let us know the outcome of your trials.
I have all JPS Aluminata in the studio. I've tried lots of cable from Mogami to Transparent.
Since this thread has come back I will complicate it some more. A good friend of mine has an Acoustic Revive DISX and loves it. He also has the MA-X which I believe he likes better but it's very very close according to his reports. He modified the DISX adding a battery power supply so that matters too.