Preamp-power amp interconnectors advice

I have a Nakamichi CA-7A preamp that feeds into the power amp section of a Luxman R-117 receiver. In this setup, highs and upper midrange are a bit bright while lower midrange and bass are not as strong as I would like them to be.

The CA-7A and Luxman are now connected with an Atlas Equator MK II cables that are considered “neutral”. If I use silver cables instead, the sound is very harsh and bass/lower midrange almost disappear. This leads me to suggestion that a cable that is a bit on the “dark” side, or the one with bass/lower midrange sonic signature, might be the best for this setup.

Any recommendations on such a cable with the price around $100-150 used?

Thank you,
I think you are expecting too much from the receiver; I would put the money toward a better power amp.
Yeah, why don't you get something like Nakamichi PA-5 or PA-7 power amp and then upgrade the cables?
Luxman will be replaced later with something like Nak PA-5 or Yamaha B-2 but it will stay in a system for a while. BTW it's not that bad of a receiver: 170 WPC, dual mono design except primary transformer winding, fully recapped etc.

The problem is IMHO that CA-7A is a bright preamp and this brightness should be be attenuated somehow ragrdless of what power amp I'll use.
If that is the case and you don't really like the sound of the pre then I would sell it and get another rather than trying to alter its sound with cables. Cables can alter the sound somewhat but not change the basic chacterstics of the unit.
Yes, Stanwal is right. That's exactly what I would do.
But if you insist, and I hate to make this recomendation for a few reasons, Cardas cables may give you that.