Rick Schultz`s new cable

hi guys
let me start by saying i don`t have any financial interest with Rick`s new cable.he is a great friend of mine from 8 plus years ago.i bought his first Virtual Dynamics cables and finally step all the way up to his Genesis power,interconnects and speaker cables.
about a year ago he was working on a prototype new interconnect for a great entry level price.i sold my Genesis interconnects and speaker cables.i was afraid if i was doing the right thing by selling.he told me that this new technology would blow away the heavy and hard to work with Genesis.
out of the box they were as good if not better than the Genesis.they just continued to get better.about 500 plus hours they were jaw dropping.the sound is very natural,soundstage is huge,it fills the room.everything is out front and powerful and dynamic.
the last time i had talked to him he was hoping to get things going some time in 2012.
in this hobby we are always looking to get our systems to some kind of musical nirvana.i think i have finaly found mine.
Happy Holidays to all
Sure Sure Hyper You can fold and re-open another company and then magically fold again 6 months later, pop back up out of nowhere.
I Personally spent a good deal of time and cash on VD products and well,took a LOT of searching to repair my david 2.0 ics, Given the circumstances of folding, ceasing communications, and the way the domain was abandoned, Well Wont be switching to the new brand.
"Sure Sure Hyper You can fold and re-open another company and then magically fold again 6 months later, pop back up out of nowhere."

I ran Virtual Dynamics for nearly 10 years starting early 2001, closing early 2010. The new company will start selling early 2012, just 11 years later.

"I Personally spent a good deal of time and cash on VD products and well, took a LOT of searching to repair my David 2.0 ics,"

I was always available here at Audiogon, my personal contact never removed and I had a Virtual Dynamics e-mail for about six months after closing for sales. I helped those I could personally, and in most cases without charge. I maintained repairs for over a full year after closing. However I am truly glad you found help regardless of my situation.

"Given the circumstances of folding, ceasing communications, and the way the domain was abandoned, “

After releasing the last of my staff the website was harder to maintain to say the least and with the business now closed I thought maintaining the website was unnecessary, my apologies however.

“Well Wont be switching to the new brand."

I know the new company will be missing out. Loyal and understanding customers are hard to find and it seams as though you were loyal and understanding to the end and past. Sorry to have lost you. Sorry I disappointed you, and I am sorry I was unable/unaware to help in your case.
Best wishes in your future audio endeavors.

Rick Schultz
Honestly, I think Rick is a most human and sincere individual, a rarity in this hobby.

No affiliation, just a loyal and very happy end user.
Well Rx8man if you saw the issues with my R-Series David 2.0 ICS there were NUMEROUS issues, including what we suspect caused issues with resistor R12 on an ADA PF-2501, had the pair sitting around for a LONG time, unable to find info, spent my own time seatching for repair
happened to bring them to someone at CES for retermination at my own expense.

Site Abandonment
Claim of Moving and re-opening
No Contact for repair service

Its called going dark and as far as I am concerned VD went dark.
Maybe the Judge cable was built better,course the price is an
HONEST 50-60,000,now that's a joke,let the milking begin.
You can buy a top notch pre and amps for that.
But hey,keep the faith,it'll pay off(LOL)