Rick Schultz`s new cable

hi guys
let me start by saying i don`t have any financial interest with Rick`s new cable.he is a great friend of mine from 8 plus years ago.i bought his first Virtual Dynamics cables and finally step all the way up to his Genesis power,interconnects and speaker cables.
about a year ago he was working on a prototype new interconnect for a great entry level price.i sold my Genesis interconnects and speaker cables.i was afraid if i was doing the right thing by selling.he told me that this new technology would blow away the heavy and hard to work with Genesis.
out of the box they were as good if not better than the Genesis.they just continued to get better.about 500 plus hours they were jaw dropping.the sound is very natural,soundstage is huge,it fills the room.everything is out front and powerful and dynamic.
the last time i had talked to him he was hoping to get things going some time in 2012.
in this hobby we are always looking to get our systems to some kind of musical nirvana.i think i have finaly found mine.
Happy Holidays to all
Well I am open for a Solution, have spent considerable time, Expense, and eventually Delivered my cables to someone at CES LEAVING WORK IN Las Vegas From a data center to TRAVEL TO the Venetian and cabbing back mid-day,
Marq I am the type to push the issue to get things done, if things get ugly, Heated Arguments, Counter seo than so be it, BUT I DONT BACK DOWN.
Biodrainx - I'm not sure why any vendor reading your posts would ever want to deal with you at all. You seem like an accident waiting to happen.

Rick has gone out of his way to be nice to you here, a lot nicer than most of us would probably be to you given your childish, immature and insulting antics on this thread. He has hundreds of loyal customers who have known and done business with him for years. I am one of them.

You are obviously new to this whole "thread" thing as this is your first thread - I suggest you re-read the rules of decorum and for my money, you owe Rick and everyone reading this thread an apology for your behavior.

Marqmike and others above have tried to diplomatically cool you down a bit, but apparently to no avail. You had also better think twice about your "master plan" - it could get you into more trouble than you could ever imagine, plus cost you more money than you could believe. REAL MONEY, not David 2.0 money.

Best solution - knock this off, give Rick a call and work something out. Short of doing that, you come across as just someone with an ax to grind and your credibility suffers with each post you make.

Drummermitchell - why all the negativity? Taking cracks without substantiation is pretty lame, as you know.

you get a whole lot more in this life being nice.you are one day going to run into the wrong guy with your outlook on things.take a chill pill and hit the road.
No, I will not chill out,
I have a product defect issue and it needs to be pushed, and I am allowed BY LAW to post my VD experience including photos,and if it happens to end up on google then thats fine for me,
Solve my issue and I go away, other wise I am going to continue to push the issue, complain to Audiogon if you would like but I have a VALID point.