Rick Schultz`s new cable

hi guys
let me start by saying i don`t have any financial interest with Rick`s new cable.he is a great friend of mine from 8 plus years ago.i bought his first Virtual Dynamics cables and finally step all the way up to his Genesis power,interconnects and speaker cables.
about a year ago he was working on a prototype new interconnect for a great entry level price.i sold my Genesis interconnects and speaker cables.i was afraid if i was doing the right thing by selling.he told me that this new technology would blow away the heavy and hard to work with Genesis.
out of the box they were as good if not better than the Genesis.they just continued to get better.about 500 plus hours they were jaw dropping.the sound is very natural,soundstage is huge,it fills the room.everything is out front and powerful and dynamic.
the last time i had talked to him he was hoping to get things going some time in 2012.
in this hobby we are always looking to get our systems to some kind of musical nirvana.i think i have finaly found mine.
Happy Holidays to all
BiOdrainx is my old long term customer and a fellow I think of as a friend. His name is Joe. Joe just quite honestly could not find me and did not think of using my profile here and this happened fairly recently where now all my info is different. Joe found out the VD cables are not easy to work on and legitimately had a hard time getting someone to do it. Anyway helping Joe once we got in touch was simple and it also was my pleasure as I got to meet up with him again.
Joe, it was really good to speak with you again, sorry about your issue but so glad to help get them solved. You have my contact info now so you will always no where to turn. Although the cable didn't cause for the resistor issue as I said I will help get that problem fixed as well, when your ready just let me know.
Rick Schultz
Great that such an issue is resolved. Rick seems like a genuine guy.

Lets get this thread back on track to talking about listening impressions of this new cable from High Fidelity Cables. Magentic conduction secret sauce, funky RCA connector e.t.c e.t.c
I have been reading this and want to chime in.

I bought some longer david ic's. One for a sub and another for a digital source. One of the cables went bad and without a question or problem VD took it back and fixed it free of charge.

I was never concerned at the time when it broke that it would not be fixed by the company cause of the good service I was given prior.

I have to say also, I am amazed by the humility that Rick has shown over the post and how he has humbled himself right in front of all his peers.

Seems to be showing character on Agon?