Differences between SR Tesla and Supra Sword

Both these speaker cables get consistently great reviews, and they're in a similar price range.

Can anyone speak to the (in general) differences between them, strenghts weaknesses etc?
I didn't see IMHO after any of Audiofeil's postings. Is this requirement only for those who disagree with him? IMHO.
I am also in my 50's and have blind tested cables with five other guys for the past 30 years. We have a scoring system and several reference systems that we test on. We have tested over 400 different brands and what Sabai is saying is correct for the most part. Once you have experienced a truly serious cable than it becomes an emotional experience rather than a listening experience. There are very few cables that are capable of creating emotion and I have heard none that inexpensive. I am not saying inexpensive cables sound bad but it is like buying a Toyota, than Honda, than Nissan, you are just moving sideways until you go out and get a Porsche; all of a sudden you are emotionally connected to the car! We have found less than 10 brands that can actually create emotion in your system or in other words put you in the recording studio with the artist. To be honest most cables are average on their best day but there are again a very few cables on the market that once experienced you just can’t live without and how do you put a price on emotion?
A posting that does not include the popular IMHO is not ipso facto a confused posting. Confusion must be exhibited in the content and reasoning for the posting to qualify as being confused. My posting was not confused at all. On the contrary. Strong statements are often found less acceptable on these forums than derision from the LOL crowd. I find this very odd.

Do you mean to say that anyone with normal hearing would prefer a LoRad on a high end DAC in a high end system than a Hologram D or an ASI Liveline and that the latter would sound worse than the former to most people's ears? Do you mean to say that anyone making this statement without the popular IMHO is confused?
Sabai: rather than arguing with people who do not respect your honest point of view, just enjoy the emotion of your system and understand that not every person will have the opportunity to hear what a live artist really sounds like in their home. Some people do get what you are saying and respect that you have an absolute opinion rather than being politically correct.
Sabai and Musicxyz, there are many opinions on the sound, or lack of, of various pieces of gear including cables. Sabai puts absolutes into his opinion and insists that because he believes that he hears a better sound that this will be a universal for all listeners. Are there better cables than the Supra's, absolutely, BUT as Audiofeil correctly pointed out, there is no absolutely no correlation between price and the sound of the product. My point is that just because Sabai says it is so, does not make it so for everyone. BTW, Musicxyz, I am a pro musician and I suspect I have a little idea as to what a live artist sounds like in my home, so making inept assumptions about other people isn't productive or accurate, just conceited-again IMHO.