Transparent or Nordost?

I currently have all Transparent Ultra MM2, but I am thinking of trying out some other cables. Has anyone compared Transparent to Nordost? Specifically Red Dawn LS?
System is listed.

Get rid of that terrible Transparent stuff! I haven't done a good deed lately so I will take it off your hands for a nominal sum. LOL Don't let it go till they pry it out out of , well you know.
I think thier marketing is great, especially in the early days when the dealer I go to was able to give me 100 percent back on my cable in trade to move up one level at a time. I think it is down to about 70 percent now that you get back, which is a lot easier then having to sell them yourelf used. They are also pretty protective of thier dealers which keeps the value of the cable you bought a little more stable. You won't see them blowing brand new cables out for 50-60 percent off when the new line comes out, which is one thing that I have seen with the Nordost and concerns me. I am going to get some TYR2 to try out in the future though.
My Nordost dealer didn't receive his demo case yet but when he does and I can snag I will post back
You won't see them blowing brand new cables out for 50-60 percent off when the new line comes out, which is one thing that I have seen with the Nordost and concerns me.
Per my Nordost dealer the company wants to rid themselves of the old stock. I had the same concern. He tells me the Series 2 are so much better/different (more liquid sounding)(he is a salesman who has never steered me wrong) but he knows me to the point where if they are not I won't buy them. My intentions are to compare my Frey's against the Frey2. The winner will go up against the TYR2. That winner will go up against the Valhalla. He said in his opinion the Tyr2 bests the Valhalla's. I wish he had his demo case so I could tell you my opinion.
Thanks Xti, please keep me posted on your thoughts once you hear them. I have 2 dealers..(man that sounds kinda bad out of context... LOL ) One carries Transparent, the other Nordost so I am lucky, or cursed depending on how you look at it. I asked the Nordost guy to try and get hold of some TYR2 as I think that will be a more fair comparo to the Transparent Ultra line. If they compete with the Valhalla that would be nice indeed. I have heard a lot of praise for that cable.
I could sell the car, ride a bike... and check out some Odin vx Opus? L : )