Goertz Sounding a bit lean

After replacing my Kimber Heroes I'm now becoming aware that the Goertz MicroPurl copper are a bit lean in comparison. I do prefer the Goertz middle through top but there's definitely a compromise. Anyone ever done a Goertz vs Nordost Red Dawn comparison? Or are there any other suggestions for ribbon-like cables that are fuller sounding?
I really like Goertz speaker wire but the one IC I tried was so so. The Hero is known for being warm.

I have not heard Red Dawn but why the interest in a ribbon cable?

I would try anything Gabriel Gold myself, their stuff is very musical and detailed without being thin or too warm.
Nordost Blue Heaven speaker cables are pretty well fleshed out. Very different from the IC's. I don't know about the others.
Get Silnote Morpheous or Morpheous reference. They are not ribbon like but provide a big full rich sound. I have used Goetz micropearl and speaker cables and they are on the lean side
moved from Goertz to Red Dawn speaker cable. if you think Goertz is lean, you DON'T wanna get the Red Dawn.
Thanks for the suggestions and confirmations. I'm looking at ribbon wire because I used a Lightspeed clone LDR preamp and those seem to like the ribbon ICs based on conversations with other owners. I definitely prefer the ribbon Goertz to the Hero, so I think the concept is right.