Shunyata ztron power vs cx cables...

Hi, I have a few Shunyata CX powercords (anaconda cx and king cobra cx). Has anyone done a detailed comparison? What are your thoughts as to the differences?

I did just replace my Hydra vray II with a Hydra Triton, and that was a nice improvement, in clarity, naturalness, ease and dynamics. It was one of those upgrades that once it goes in...wasn't even worth going back to compare...

Thanks in advance
Hi Jfrech - a change for the better was immediately obvious - positively zitronic! Prev wall-to-distributor was the KC cx.
Is it the same kind of change as the vray ii to triton? lower noise, more clarity? If so...that's a big deal...

I have heard the Anaconda Zitron is a monumental leap from the King Cobra CX. I've had the King Cobra CX in my system and it's hard to fathom how it could be that much better. I'll be eager to hear what you experience.


I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but you're going to hear some downright lousy phases as your Zitron speaker cables break in. They tease you with what they can do for the first 150 hours and then, as Grant at Shunyata has confirmed for me, they "collapse" for about 100 hours or so. Then they slowly rise from the ashes and finally exceed anything you've heard so far...right at about 500 hours they just blast off. If I were reading this, I'd be skeptical but I feel compelled to share the warning. The good news is that some people won't be patient and will flip these cables too soon. Keep your eyes out for some deals. You won't be sorry if you buy some at used prices. They're already a bargain considering what they do.

I still have a couple of days to go with the Python digital and will post impressions then. Break in's a bitch.
Jfrech: >>Is it the same kind of change as the vray ii to triton? lower noise, more clarity? <<

Yes, exactly. Not a difference in kind but in quality.

Vhiner: >>They tease you with what they can do for the first 150 hours...<<

And a pretty impressive tease it is.
Hi Vhiner,

You are right, I'm skeptical ;-). I trust you and Grant but I'm wondering how we could explain that from a scientific standpoint... Cables do make a difference, no question. They also change over the first few hours. Again that can be easily detected. But going back and forth from nirvana to dull over a very long period of time is somewhat... science-fiction isn't? I'm not saying that is not true and I will give them the time to settle in. However, I can't help but notice that would give ammunition to the non-believers ;-)