Shunyata ztron power vs cx cables...

Hi, I have a few Shunyata CX powercords (anaconda cx and king cobra cx). Has anyone done a detailed comparison? What are your thoughts as to the differences?

I did just replace my Hydra vray II with a Hydra Triton, and that was a nice improvement, in clarity, naturalness, ease and dynamics. It was one of those upgrades that once it goes in...wasn't even worth going back to compare...

Thanks in advance

What are your initial impressions of the cable? From reading and listening to their videos, you should hear more detail and bass with a much faster transients. Are you finding the soundstage to be more focused?


I am actually quite enthused about finally having some more people to compare notes with, regarding this new technology. Post your impressions as you live with cables or pm me (does a'gon still allow that?) as things progress. I don't want to rouse the lurking flat earth society and start some debate over break in. I'll say this, though: several others I know report extensive break in with these cables. There appears to be a pattern to this break in...but four people is hardly an emperical study. All i know is what i hear.

As an Anaconda Zitron owner, your experience will be very interesting because it will add to the pool of shared experience. I am utterly bored with and uninterested in theoretical discussions about whether something should or should not work. I've yet to hear an explanation of break in I could follow, but my ears tell me it's real. Can't wait to hear what you experience!
Hi guys!

my initial impressions of the cable? Expensive! LOL Seriously, I had tried a Cirrus cable before and was very impressed by the way it was controlling my woofers. Bass was deep and punchy much more than with my previous cables (Cardas). So I was expecting a similar if not better signature with the Anacondas. Unfortunately, although it was clear the Ztron were very good cables when I connected them, the bass was not as good and strong as with the Cirrus. Background was not as black either. Highs were already a bit more refined though. I was told by several persons to wait for the break-in time to be complete and that is what I'm doing right now (~90H on them now). They are starting to open up and the bass is much better now than it was initially. Sound stage is still 2D at this point. Instruments/timbres are better than with my Cardas. I will continue to post my impressions as the break-in is progressing.


Sorry I did not mean to start a debate or anything. I'm still curious about what are the technical aspects behind this behavior but I'm more interested in making sure I've enough return on my investment. I'm happy thus far but I expect reference level nothing less ;-). I agree with you for the need to share our impressions and I will ;-). I'm wondering why there's so few reviews of those cables especially in the context of a technological breakthrough. Maybe the reviewers are all busy listening to music ;-).

Thanks for the info! I should have my Cobra demo pair of IC and spkr cables next week and hoping that this groind breaking technology will be obvious initially and get better with more hours. I'm assuming that the current delivery and rise and fall times should be noticed upon install but i'm eager to see how they stack up with what I already have.

No apologies needed from you; I just didn't want to rile cable skeptics. I, too, would love to understand the science behind cable break in.

Here's my prediction: the Anacondas won't reach reference level (and I agree that no one should accept anything less from cables this pricey) until a minimum of 400 hours of playback. I was fortunate that my dealer was so confident that he gave me a three-week audition period. If I'd had to make a decision at 250 hours, my cables would've gone back to the store. Good things come to those who wait. ;-)

My system consists of Thiel CS3.7's, Perfect Wave MKII DAC and transport, Conrad-Johnson CT5 preamp and a Classe' Delta 2200 amplifier. Even subtle changes are easy to catch and may explain how I perceive break in.