Synergitsic Research Elements or Shunyata Ztron?

Which line would you go for? I currently own Electrocompaniet EMC1UP - Electrocompaniet 4.8 preamp and NEMO monoblocks and plan to get B&W 800 Diamond speakers. Somehow I have the urge to go for the latest cable technology - which line would you choose and did anyone actually A/B them? I'm talking about the complete line - power cords, ICs, speaker cables, maybe a conditioner.
fwiw, I love Syn Research speaker cables and Shunyata power cables. Never tried the new Ztron though, but have used Anacondas of all vintages for years.
I own all Synergistic Research power products and cables and they work very well as an entire system. I think this may be true for Shunyata products as well, but I don't have the experience with their latest products. I doubt you would go wrong with either brand, but my suggestion is to go all in with one or the other.

Some SR owners have recently had an issue with the aggressive marketing where new improved products are introduced with great frequency and which tends to prematurely depreciate their current models by 50%+ in the first 12 to 18 months of ownership, so this may be a concern if you are thinking of buying brand new.
Yeah, that's my concern with SR. Also their range of products is so complicated I can't quite figure out what do I need for my system. With Shunyata it's a lot easier.