T+A Power plant MKII - cable suggestions

Can anyone with experience with T+A equipment recommend a good power cord and speaker cable? I know they make their own cables but I don't believe they are available in the U.S.. I will be using the T+A Power Plant with Dynaudio Focus speakers.

Did you ever hear back on this? I just got a pair of Dynaudio Focus speakers and am looking for an amp. Thoughts? I was just going to snag a Simaudio i5 but saw a great deal on T+A Power Plant
I tried a Simaudio 340i, Arcam A28 and the T+A power plant MkII with the Dyns and found the T+A to be the best amp. The Dynaudio's just came alive with all that power. I now know why people have always said that Dynaudios love power. The Simaudio sounded a little too polite to me and the Arcam was not bad but just didn't have the punch of the T+A... especially in the lower octaves. I couldn't be happier with the choice. Plus the T+A looks awesome, has recessed connections and a very well functioning loudness button for late night listening. On top of that its extremely energy efficient using only a fraction of a watt in standby.

I went with JPS labs Ultraconductor 2 cables all around and have been very satisfied. The midrange seemed to be "clearer" and more airy compared to my Analysis Plus cables.
Now that you have had your T+A Power Plant MK2 for a while how do you like it and have you changed anything ie cables or speakers?
I have T+A K8 (Bluray + Pre + power amps all in one) which is driving my beloved Revel Salon 2. Believe it or not K8 works great and is a lot better than what I heard from some power amps in demo room. I entered fi-hi audio industry several years ago and I do not want to invest what I do not understand neither someone's taste.

I will probably get power amps soon probably from pass lab but I will use K8 as a pre-amps and source. I heard and saw many sources + preamp + power amp combination but I felt that somehow more device does not gave me a better sound quality. Maybe I need to listen more.