Ultimate Cables no more?

I placed an order with Ultimate Cables 3 weeks ago. The order went through, but I havent gotten the cables and when I went to check status on the web site it is gone. Anyone know what is going on?
I have any or all of four of his power cables available to sell to you if you are interested. I'm in Toronto.

I bought them directly from UC about 2 years ago: used three are the "standard" 1 meter length in my "B" syaytem just sold; and one is ~ 4 meters long(gotta check actual length): used it for 4 months as a temporary stop-gap for my plasma TV while my new man-cave was being built.

Drop me a line at andy@gunarsons.ca if you are interested and want more details.
I had ordered biwire speaker cables in 10' length. I cant even remember anymore if i ordered an interconnect.
Still no cables. Still no response to emails or telephone calls. Website still up taking orders. beware.
I had an experience decades ago that may help you. I pre-paid for a restored and updated Marantz 7 tube preamp. At first, communications were normal- things were progressing. (This was in the days before the Internet). Finally, it became apparent that the supplier was not responding. I contacted various third parties, including the magazine (now defunct) where his ad appeared. After a long hiatus, and having effectively given up, the US Postal Service ran an ad in our local paper touting their ability to catch mail frauders. After contacting the US postal authorities (this transaction was entirely within the US), and filing a complaint, the Postmaster simply cut off the guy's mail. I got a good check in a matter of a week.
Now, you did this electronically, but the cyber-cops in Canada may be able to help and to the extent the vendor used electronic forms of communication to promote and receive payment, they may have some jurisdiction over him. Cutting off Internet service alone obviously wouldn't do it, but if consumer protections laws are strong, combined with meaningful enforcement of whatever computer/e-commerce laws are on the books there, you may be able to get him. Remember, they got Al Capone on tax fraud, not on his other crimes. Hang in there. I hate hearing stories like this, because we all like to presume a little good faith in this world, and most of the time, people come through. The bad actors really spoil the experience.