Best interconnect between pre-amp and CD player??

The question should actually read. "How to choose the best sounding interconnect between pre-amp and CD player" Without getting on the IC of the month club merry-go-round where you could/may spend thousand of dollars looking for the smoothest, most accurate, and most musical, how can the selection process be made easier.?? I already have 6 IC's in the drawer, and I am a sloucher compared to other members who have stockpiled 4 to 6 times that amount waiting to be sold.

In these tough econmic times, dealers are reluctant to loan out $250 plus IC's for evaluation. Would like some input and comments on finding the right IC for a quality CD player..... Thanks, Jimbo
What about The Cable Company? Their business is loaning out cables, so you can find the one that works best in your system. The other option, as you know, is buying and selling until you find the one you like.
The Cable Company should be able to help you.
They will give you some recommendations, and they have lending library so that you can try the cables at home.
Morning Sunnyjim

You pose a very good question(s). Without trial and error it is often very difficult to choose which ICs to use. Before I would just buy one brand of ICs and use it in every place. This way I would have everything all equal. Now from reading on the forums I'm going to try the best quality built cables or the cables that sound the best to me from source to preamp. Since it all starts there why not start out with the best you have at the source.

I'm hoping other members have more input on how they chose cabling for their sources.