Nordost Brahma vs Heimdall 2 power cords

Any sharing of experience on the above will be appreciated

I use McIntosh MCD 500 CDP, C48 preamp, MC302 amp

Currently with 2 x Heimdall 2 power cords feeding the pre and amp from Quantum QB4. I use Quantum QX2 between QB4 and the wall mains.

Reason I ask is that I read raving Brahma reviews everywhere, and while Valhalla power cord price is easily 3 times Brahma or Heimdalls; I wonder if I should (1) look for Brahmas instead of Valhallas; or (2) stay with the Heimdalls 2
I now got the valhalla speaker cables installed. Wow i enjoy more music now than ever. Valhalla PC is coming next week.

Thanks for all the advice.

Just want to make this a full circle. I took the plunge and bought brahma PC replacing Heimdall Norse 2 PC.

I like the Brahma much much better. Highs are more relaxed but retained its form. Bass is well defined, controlled but quite deep.

Advise that audiogoners to jump on brahma if one finds it for sale second hand.

Quite satisfied myself that i find answer to my own question. When people say that Brahma is quite to Valhalla, theyre saying it not without merit.

Thanks for looking
I am still breaking in 4 1M Blue Heaven connected to the QB4 that has a 4M BH connected to the wall. If you can afford it, try an Odin. How do you like the QX2? I have BH LS IC and a Heimdal IC with BH Rev II speaker wires. They sure make some good wires. I'd love to try some Odin. Best of luck.
Hi Polk432

QX2 brings better soundstage to the presentation. I'd advise you to also try Qv2 that you plug to remaining slots of your power distribution. the effect it brings is that high is more clean and well define.

the benefit of Qv2 outweighs QX2 if you weigh in the price of each.

Odin? I dont want to lure myself into more trouble :-) (had enough trouble from trying the valhallas)

I think you'll enjoy your Blue Heavens. I used full loom of Red Dawn before and i liked it. but as you try higher types of nordost cables, the more you want more. that's the danger of this hobby...
Would like to report back on this matter. I now think that it is somewhat better if you combine Nordost cabling with some other brands that are more warmer. Nordost (esp the Valhalla) is very revealing so something warmer can be quite complementary. I use Signal Cables from wall outlet to QX2 and to QB8 power distributor.