Nordost Brahma vs Heimdall 2 power cords

Any sharing of experience on the above will be appreciated

I use McIntosh MCD 500 CDP, C48 preamp, MC302 amp

Currently with 2 x Heimdall 2 power cords feeding the pre and amp from Quantum QB4. I use Quantum QX2 between QB4 and the wall mains.

Reason I ask is that I read raving Brahma reviews everywhere, and while Valhalla power cord price is easily 3 times Brahma or Heimdalls; I wonder if I should (1) look for Brahmas instead of Valhallas; or (2) stay with the Heimdalls 2
I owned Valhalla loudspeakercable and Valhalla powercabels. And I sold a lot of Valhalla and other Nordost cables. Beside this I did hundreds of Nordost tests. For me Nordost is predictable as 1 and 1=2. Realism in sound the Valhalla is a lot better than Brahma and Heimdall. But.......for poweramps it misses a lot compared to some other powercables like Purist Audio. In the lowest freq. you miss drive and definition with the Valhalla. By all the tests of Nordost I had the same outcome. You loose depth and wide by usint 100% nordost. You loose individual focus. And you loose involvement in the overwhole sound. Wenn you go up the line this gets better. Odin is maybe superior in natural sound. Then my qustion is: Why are other Nordost cables not that natural? And please stop witht the bullshit story of synergy. Nordost is not capable of giving all the parts in highend sound what should be there. Wenn I take a interconnect or speakercable out and replace it by another brand. I easilly can add other properties/talents which are not there. For me it is that easy. Because I did test it many many times.
I listened side by side the power cords Brahma and Valhalla. Both sound great, but the Valhalla's is a lot better at all.
Kimber and Audioquest. I did use a few other brands as well. They were quick tests. Brands I really don't care. Wenn you put in a Kimber or Audioquest interlink, the stage gets deeper and the individual focus gets a lot better. I had many discussions with Nordost people. They do not understand sound realism and they do not have the knowledge about how big an instrument or voice should be in real. Like a violin sounds a lot different in real then with Valhalla. I owned it, I tested it hundreds of times and I sold it. The Valhalla is better, but it is still not a complete cable. Because you miss important parts wgat needs to ne there wenn you have all parts in sound. It is incomplete. That is why I said hundreds of times that Nordost never should an can be used 100%. It is that predictable and easy to understand.
Forget Nordost. I own a White Night Power 5M and 2M power cables from coconut-audio and they sound better no comparison. I would invest on a couple of these.