So how does this apply to speaker cables?

Interesting article, Neil. Thanks! And I agree with your subtly stated conclusion :-)

Best regards,
-- Al
Answer: It doesn't:
except that George Cardas uses the Golden Ratio in his cable design (& always did). He's of the opinion that this is the "correct" way to design hyper-litz cables.....
So, maybe your statement isn't totally true??
"except that George Cardas uses the Golden Ratio in his cable design"
. . . . yes, a practice which has resulted (due to all that "golden section multi-stranding") in the highest capacitance speaker cables (>430pF/ft) in the industry -- and therefore the ones with the most high-frequency roll-off!

Maybe I was being too subtle Al ;~)
Take a look at this from Cardes,+Constant+
