How do Au24e and Neutral Refs Compare?

I'm thinking about moving to either the Audience Au24e or the Cardas Neutral Reference XLR ICs from my DAC - a PS Audio PWD Mk.II - to preamp - a Pass X1. I'd like to hear from those who have used both for similar use and can tell me their strengths and weaknesses. Thanks.
Thanks Xti16. I'm surprised that the Neutral Refs were rolled off in your system. I've heard them (not in my system) compared to other Cardas cables, and in that context they did not sound rolled off, but I guess that's no surprise since (IMO) a number of Cardas cables do have a "soft" quality at the frequency extremes. I agree system synergy can make a world of difference, though.
The 2 cables are quit different. So therefore difficult fore anyone to come with a recemondation.

I have had AU24 and AU24E in my system and NR for demo, but i haveCardas Clear now. If money is a issue, go fore the AU24E but if you can afford them, then Cardas Clear(or Clear Light)
Tony I started with AQ Viper before getting the King Cobra then the Cardas NR. Again the NR had more emotion but had slightly rolled off highs and lows. Next I got Fusion Audios Interlocker which again was a step up from the AQ's and NR. Then on to Nordost. All these were in my system in my home.