Cables advice for ARC + Mark Levinson + Wilson

Hi all,
My system:
Pre: ARC Ref. 3
Power: ML 33H
Speakers: Wilson W/P 7

I am tuning the system with new interconnect cables.
I have used MIT Magnum MA XLR between the Pre and the Power amplifier but the result was a lean sound without dynamics and without bass. I would say that the cable has produced a too dry sound.

So I tryed Transparent ULTRA RCA that I got in house and I got much better bass and dynamics.

So, considering that I will discard the MITs, what the best cable for this setup on the surce-pre and pre-amp interconnection?

I'm considering:
- Transparent Reference
- XLO Signature
- others...
For some nice richness and a bit of warmth, put a TOTL Cardas cable between your pre and power amp. I had a dryish sound as you do and stumbled upon a pair of used Golden Refs, the results were not subtle and I love them.
Give Nordost Heimdall IC a try and see if they work for you. I have them and they sound great! They may still be 1/2 off regular price from some vendors. Try MusicDirect and Upscale Audio.
elite1967, nice system you're assembling ! A lot of wilson owners use transparent (I do also) Was the Ultra a MM2 version ?

I was lucky enough to get some demo time w/ ARC + ML+ Wilson
Sophia/Sasha recently. The system was tied together w/ Transparent Opus cable/cords and Transparent power conditioners. Easily, this was the best sound I have heard, to date.