New Esoteric P02 D02


Seems like there is a new set up separates from Esoteric. The P02 D02. Hven't seen any info out there at all, but it is for sale already at retailers. Not a substitute of the P03 D03 as expected, that are still selling as well, but a new category in between de 01s and 03s. DACs and inputs seem like an upgrade of the K01.

Anyone has any info, or heard of this? You can read about it at Esoteric parent company home page (in Japan but in English).

Price in Europe is 3.000 Euros higher than the 03s per unit (so +6000 EUros higher in total)

Any feedback, info news?

I ran into a little snag, I ordered a .5 meter clock cable, and I have .5 AES/EBU cables, so I can' t configure the clock to be within distance to reach with the cables I have. I ordered new clock cables yesterday, should see them by Friday! I am looking forward to adding a clock, then adding a Powercell, then new cords, and adding a new C-02 preamp into the mix. Wow, exciting times at the Colekat household.
I was listening to tunes yesterday and the sound was great, one of those
" good" days. Thinking about the potential of this system, I have four new changes or combinations of some changes. When its a good day , it's hard to imagine it can sound better. In the States, I definately notice better sound on weekends, definately power grid issues.
Anyway, I have alot to look forward too and to listen for! I'll keep you posted!
Hey Everyone, I've had the clock in my system for a few days and am totally blown away at the difference it has made. The clock has really elevated my listening experience to high point. Music is as real as I've have ever heard it in my listening room. In a word... Smooth, and it hasn't even broken in yet!
Colekat: Either clock is a major improvement in my experience too...glad you enjoy the difference. What clock did you wind up choosing? I did a lot of experimentation with various clocking frequencies matrixed with upsampling rates and have a combination I like very much; if you want to talk through the options, drop me an Audiogon email and I'll be glad to jump on the phone and talk.
Hey Zephyr, I have the G-01, which I am using at 22mhz . I just got everything on line Thursday, so I imagine this will get better and better. I can't believe there are doubters out there with the clock, it easily took my system to a higher level. It opened things up dramatically. I had heard the G-01 with a K-01 in a super system with Burmuster front end and Sonus Faber Aida's, so I had a good feeling that my system would have a doticable change for the good!.... I'll drop you a line, talk soon!
Great. Exactly as expected. It is anything but small. The gain is widespread and large. Makes the 02s an even better system.