Why are Voodoo Cables not seen on Audiogon used?

I've had the opportunity to audition and then buy several of their power cords and they are stellar. I'd guess their other cables are very good as well, yet the brand is rarely seen here used. I would suppose that might indicate a high degree of satisfaction? What do others think?
Years ago, I talked with Bruce when they had only been in business I short while and he said much of his sales were overseas. Perhaps that's still the case. I used a number of his P/Cs. I liked them, but went other directions.
Timothy m-Very Observant! Very rarely do Aural Symphonics-Blue Circle or Silver Circle Audio pc's show up on Audiogon.
Well, Dayglow I do have a Blue Circle USB Thingee that is quite old. Had it for many years before computer audio was the craze. Just wanted something a little better than the output from my Mac Pro.
They are excellent. Like Lossloss cables, folks buy them and keep them. They both made well made cables, with Lessloss really using new designs from their power cords thru their speaker cables, sonic bliss from both.
Possibly because it's not a full time "cable production" operation. Although the raw materials aren't all that expensive, sometimes equipment and/or labor to construct cables IS expensive.

I've only had one experience with Voodoo cables - probably around 10 years ago. I bought a power cord, compared it to several others, and sent it back within the allotted return period - had just decided that a competitor's cable was better in my application at the time. The power cord was not bad, it just wasn't the best of several I demoed.

Well, I got the loudest, most hateful, accusation-filled response I had ever heard from the owner, both verbally and through emails. Very very ugly.

I told myself I would never do business with a company like that.