Entry level Silent Source Signature speaker cables


Everybody talks about the Silent Source power cables.
I'm interested in buying the entry level Silent Source Signature speaker cables.
Has anybody listened to them ?
I currently own the Kubala Sosna Fascination

I have the Signature speaker cables. I bought them off another site. So far they are exactly what the doctor ordered. The bass is really starting to improve as well. They have tremendous instrument separation. I will report when they accumulate more hours.
Does anyone know why Frank Dickens stopped making the Silver Signature line of cables? I recall being very impressed with a pair of these interconnects.
I know they are discontinued now, but I don't know why. Price wise they were in between the Signature and The Music Reference, though closer to the Signature.
Very nice! Chuck- I look forward to reading your review.
what other gear is in your system?

Jmcgrogan2- send FD an email and I am sure he will entertain your query. Are you using SS cables or cords in you system as well? Keep me posted All- Happy Listening!
Jafant, no I am not using any SS cables or cords at this time. I have been keeping my eye out, and I came very close to buying a Music Reference power cord, but the timing didn't work out. Perhaps next time.

The only SS I've heard in my system was a friend's Silver Signature interconnect, which I was very impressed with.
Any level Silent Source, is outstanding Silent Source. Yes, I would start w/ a power cord (PC) as well. Hope you get a second chance. These cables/cords do not appear on the used marketplace often- so do not miss your opportunity.
Keep me posted & Happy listening!