Audioquest Water

I heard through the grapevines that Audioquest discontinued the Columbia and replace it with a new interconnect named Water. Does any one know anything about this Water interconnect? I tried to Google it but could not get any info. Maybe Bo1972, our resident expert on Audioquest, can chyme in.
I did receive the info about the new cables, no prices yet. I have to wait to see what the prices are.

My focus is Always on if the new products have a better value for the money.

Air tubes have a big influence on the extra air around instuments and voices. It gives a much better presentation in Heights of a recording.

I owned the new Wild Blue Yonder, this one was a totally different league compared to the Sky.

The difference between the Wel en Wild is even bigger. A lot bigger than I thought.

I will write a review in a few weeks about it. I can tell you one thing; it sets music to a new dimension in sound and image!
I don't have any experience with the Water interconnects but I do have the Earth interconnects in XLR. They are very good and I highly recommend them. Looking to get a pair in RCA as well. I wrote a review on them in this forum. Feel free to look it up for more details.
Fire replacing Sky and Water?? I think the top of the line model should be AudioQuest NWO LOL!!!