Wall Outlet Oyaide, Furutek, Wattgate, and others


Any recommendation which the Better Wall Outlet : Bicchino , Furutek , Oyaide , Wattgate or Others?
i used the power. Cord : Elrod Statement Gold, Diamand for the Amp,
And Purist 25 Anniversary for the rest equipment.j
very good post Almarg, I did not know that a/c voltages could be, and likly higher than 120 volts, if that is true, and I'm sure you have proof, that would change my perspective on the out come of resistance specs for plugs, power cords, and recepticles that you have said here, does it matter?, mmmm, I am learning the opinions from the community, cheers.
Keith (Audiolabyrinth), take a look at this reference, particularly Table 1 on page 2. You'll see that the standard for 120 volt service (at the entrance to the house) is 120 volts +/- 5%, corresponding to a range of 114 volts to 126 volts.

-- Al
Al .. I haven’t been completely “Transparent” about my obsession with series resistance ...

My original post was nothing but an attempt to offer some incite on matching the metallurgy of the power cord to the wall outlet for a better compatibility

Any body that can afford Elrod Diamond series and PAD 25th anniversary certain has the ware with all to move above Hubble and Pass Seymour

When I stumbled upon the Receptilock I was intrigued by the advanced looking body shell which looks like ground up purpose built and intoxicated by the low resistance and grip numbers vs the other well known outlets

So why my obsession with low series resistance ... isn’t resistance equated with the DC side ... if we were talking about AC current ... wouldn’t we refer to the opposing force against the signal as “Impedance” and not Resistance

With my very limited knowledge I’m guessing that if you know the L/C/R values you can calculate Impedance ... and if you held the L and C values dead fixed in place and varied the R value ... then Impedance would swing in the same direction as series resistance ... If the resistance goes up and L and C are held constant ... wouldn’t impedance go up and vice versa

Let me ask this .. if series resistance rises does impedance also rise and do I want a power deliver component with a high or higher Impedance or a low or lower impedance for current delivery
Hi Dave,

To answer your questions clearly, I should probably first state that “60 Hz AC power" consists of a vast number of different frequency components. The highest amplitude/biggest of them is the 60 Hz component, of course. But there are also components at much higher frequencies corresponding to the brief high current spikes you mentioned earlier, probably extending up to tens of kHz, particularly in the case of power amplifiers. And there are frequency components at integral multiples of 60 Hz (i.e., 120 Hz, 180 Hz, 240 Hz, etc.) corresponding to harmonic distortion that will be present in the waveform to some degree. And there are essentially an infinite number of low level frequency components corresponding to noise, extending up into the RF region.

In answer to your questions, yes, strictly speaking a “resistance” at any frequency other than zero Hz (i.e., DC) should be referred to as “impedance,” which reflects a combination of resistance, inductance, and capacitance. And, yes, resistance in series will add to impedance.

In a local (in-house) power distribution system, however, impedance at 60 Hz will be dominated by resistance. Inductance and capacitance will become more significant at the frequencies of the much higher frequency components of the AC waveform. But I would not expect the inductance and capacitance of an outlet to have a great deal of significance in relation to the inductance and capacitance of the power cords and the house wiring. Everything else being equal, the inductance, capacitance, and resistance of conductors are proportional to length (although of course everything else is rarely precisely equal).

In answer to your last question, the impedance of the power delivery system should be low, at least at frequencies up to and somewhat beyond the frequency components corresponding to the brief high current spikes that have been mentioned. (Series impedance that is high at frequencies greater than that may be helpful in reducing noise, but I would not expect an outlet to play much of a role in that regard).

**HOWEVER**, for any design parameter that should be low there exists a point beyond which further minimization will:

1)Be overkill, that increases cost but accomplishes nothing, and/or

2)Be negligible in relation to the contributions of other things in the path that also contribute to the parameter, and/or

3)Be accomplished at the expense of other parameters that may be significant.

The basic point to my previous post was to provide a quantitative perspective on the differences in resistance that were cited in the reference you provided. Consistent with my comments above and in that post, I believe that if in fact there are differences in the behavior of those outlets that are audibly perceptible to some listeners in some systems, the differences in resistance that were indicated in the reference are very unlikely to be the reason. And even if there is a difference and resistance is the reason, the difference could work in either direction (good or bad), depending on the happenstance of the line voltage at the particular location and on the design of the particular components.

Regarding your mention of matching of metallurgy, that is outside of my areas of expertise and I have no particular comments.


-- Al