Would silver cables beat UP-OCC copper?

All things considered, which is the better choice for best sound, silver (for example, Siltech) or UP-OCC copper, such as Furutech or Neotech? Thanks.
I agree with LAK. There is no definitive answer to your question. System dependent and also dependent on the preferences of the listener
All things considered, the final, conclusive answer to your question of would silver cables beat UP-OCC copper?

It depends....on system synergy, personal taste, cable design, etc.

Now, let's move forward to final conclusions on the SS vs. tube debate, and wrap up the analog vs. digital debate as well.
Charles1dad said it best. Granted, all things are system dependent but having tried both copper and silver, I'm staying with silver.

All the best,
If you are inquiring from a scientific point of view, it really comes down to how conductive the material is all other things being equal. Silver is more conductive than copper, but if the AWG of the silver cable is less the copper cable is likely to have less resistance making it a better cable, again all other things being equal.