The most holographic Power Cord

Thanks for your interest in my topic.

As we know, different cables can have a different effect on the sound space. And now I would like to know a power cord with the most large, holographic and open soundstage.

The first candidates from me:
Synergistic Research with tungsten conductors
Crystal Clear Audio
Elrod Power Systems
Craig Hampel of CH Acoustic makes the X-20 power cord which is very good. I also agree that the Stealth or PAD or Elrod brand and Stage 111 Triton and Kraken are also winners. A lot depends on your budget. If you need to spend less look at the Mad Scientist "Neo" power cord as Ozzy mentioned or the top of the line Triode Wire labs as Bander mentioned.
Barto...your statement pretty much wraps up the delusion...

"20+ years experience with power cables that did not make it good, which tells me you haven't tried in your system"

How on earth would me telling you that they made no difference in 20+ years of experience mean that I had no experience with them? LOL

Look, if you hear a difference and think it's worth it, then more power to you.

What I find ironic is that you mentioned it working for you yet you mentioned no specifics?!?

Why not tell us exactly what gear you bought that needed a $1000+ power cord? Don't want to name didn't even tell us what specific power cord on what type of equipment? Who wouldn't share these specifics if you TRULY believed what you are claiming?

Think about how silly your post shared ZERO specifics, but claim to be an authority now.

Imagine someone posting a question about treatment for cancer on a medical forum...Here is exactly what your comment would look like....

"Well, I used to think eating Mexican food wouldn't cure my cancer, but after trying some and the cancer getting worse, I finally found some that worked and cured my cancer" (no further details about what specific mexican food or how it cured the cancer)

What's even more ironic is that the OP asked for suggestions and EVERY SINGLE PERSON responded with different answers...what a surprise...Not one agreement on "the most holographic power cord"...Which one of you is right?

On top of that, none of these recommendations come from people who even bothered to ask what equipment you were going to use the power cord with. Even the biggest snake oil cable makers at least attempt to use different gauge wire for certain amps versus dacs...etc.

Sorry to say this, but any rational and experienced audiophile would just laugh at this thread. It's the epitome of the blind leading the blind.
The best sound is with no power cord, they're all bad, if for no other reason that they generate (induced) magnetic fields, relatively speaking, of course. Battery power rules!
12-30-14: Labtec
I know you clowns will parse every word of my comment and come back with countless retorts of how your system defies physics and thousand dollar power cords are worth it, so carry on. You are welcome to use my post as an excuse for self affirmation.

All I can say in reply to people so delusional is "good luck in your search".
Labtek, firstly I find your closing statement above ironic in that you are inviting the very reaction that would allow you to discredit those who might advocate the benefits of a high priced power cable (being $1k or above by your comments).

Secondly, you seem to be speaking from a position of ignorance. Your system is not really a high end audio system, yet you are discussing the merits of high end power cables when your best source is a computer feeding off a $3k dac. I own a system which is resolving enough to allow me to evaluate even subtle differences between cables and sources (Magico S5's, Vitus SIA-025, Jorma Prime/Statement cables, Gigawatt PC-3 SE Evo, Stillpoints, Taoc etc), and I just ordered a Vitus SCD-025 which is almost 10 times the price of your dac.

I agree there is a lot of marketing bs in the high end cable only have to read some of shameless advertisements on here to see that. But there are also many good value cables above $1k imho. The problem is, show conditions are usually sub-optimal to demonstrate the differences between cables, and many audiophiles throw expensive power cables into systems without understanding the properties of each individual "tool" in their set & end up getting the synergy wrong.

I started out with $60 mtr Audioquest cable before upgrading to Acoustic Revive cables, then through the family of Jorma cables including Unity, Origo, Prime and Statement. At each stage on the journey, i've kept my system balanced and taken the time to evaluate the differences between the above cables which has been a very enjoyable process. For example, I was easily able to hear the improvement in sound swapping out my Acoustic Revive Power Reference pc ($1700) with a Jorma Prime pc ($5k), and that was connected to my Oppo dvd player!

I'm just suggesting you should keep an open mind.
Audio is not abot what it cost, but all about what it brings
in quality.

When I became aware of the influence of powercables, I started
to do blind tests. This is the most convincing way to sell
them and make people want them to buy.

A few examples: source/amp of 2000 euro with a powercable of
2600 euro against source/amp of 5000 euro with a 100 euro

It was easier to create a higher endresult with the 2000 euro
amp and source with an expensive powercable than with a 5000
euro amp/source with a 100 europowercabel.

Most people thought they would prefer the other option.

This year we test a Wadia 7Si with a heavensgate powercable of
2000 euro against a Purist Audio Design Limited Edition. The
owner of the Heavensgate agreed that with the Limited Edition
it more than doubled in quality compared to the Wadia with the
Heavensgate. It was stunninh how much more dynamic and layers
you could hear. How superior the blacks were. And instruments
and voices became fully physical. And how much more details
there were.

Audio is all about comparing and testing!