What would you do about a sleazy buyer??

Here's a case that I ran across last week on Audiogon and which I'm still fuming about... I'm selling my Bryston 7b-st monoblock amps. Had an Email from an interested buyer which actually made an offer. Had a second person write to me that he lives only 15 minutes from my house and wants to buy them. It was a "Lawyer" that I'll call "HM" to keep his anonymity here in xxxxxx <- (moderator cut). He wanted to buy them, but wanted to Demo them first on his system. IF he liked them, he was going to buy them for the agreed price of $2900.

Being MUCH easier to sell locally, I told the firm offer that I have a local sale, and that the buyer was going to purchase them on Saturday. If for any reason that the deal fell apart, I would contact him immediately. 2 days later,
I boxed up my 2 amps at 40 lbs each, and drove over to his house.

I listened to his PSB Golds w/ Boulder 100w/channel amp which actually sounded HORRIBLE! We hooked up my amp to his speakers and it was like night and day. NO COMPARISON!!! Totally blew away the Boulder amp. Even my girlfriend could tell right away and she hates this stuff. After 1.5 hours of demo'ing my amps, I asked him if he loved them. He agreed. He said that he would absolutely LOVE to own a pair of these!

This is when he went into his sob story... Well, he said, my economic condition is terrible right now. Let me put it this way. My financial situation is that I'm a car, heading off of a cliff with a 747 crashing right into it. In other words, he would love to have them, but has NO money to be able to buy them if he wanted to!!! He is in financial peril.

So I packed up my amps and left. Came home and wrote the other buyer. Unfortunately, the other buyer had already bought another pair of 7b-st's from someone else.

so, this completely inconsiderate S.O.B. wanted to use me to demo my gear with NO ability to buy them if he could. He was just CURIOUS how they sound. He used me to haul my goods under the pretense of buying if liking, then admits to
loving, but has NO money!

Now I'm mad. I'm fuming. Is this common for people on Audiogon to be such inconsiderate self-serving louts? I wasted 2 hours of my Saturday on this P.O.S. who never had any intention of buying, BEGGED me to leave them with him
for 3 days, and made me lose another viable sale option!!

I say that we expose people like HM from Audiogon for being the sleazy underhanded scum that he is!!! It's lawyers like him who gave many lawyers their bad reputation... How can anyone be such a self-centered lowlife is frankly beyond me.
You definitely got JERKED, BIG TIME. This low life was setting you up for something. Was he a criminal defense attorney? A real low life I once knew (he actually managed to get himself disbarred, and you KNOW how lawyers on the board of overseers protect their own!) His clients would pay him in stolen merchandise! Cops came down and towed a stolen Corvette out of his driveway one afternoon! Even this didn't get him disbarred! But that's another story! Sounds like he wanted to trade you something of questionable ownership, but you didn't bite. Consider yourself lucky. Also, had you left your amp for 3 days, it probably would have been "damaged" or more likely "stolen", he would have offered you an item for replacement that was just too good to refuse, and you would be the proud owner of a STOLEN whatever! I, too, always prefer to sell locally. You are under NO obligation to take the offers in the order that they were received. Unless you accept the offer, it's just that...AN OFFER! A legal (or moral) contract does not happen unless and until YOU ACCEPT THAT OFFER. You did nothing unethical regardless of whatever anyone says. And how many of us had received "firm" offers and then wait for a check that never arrives. And then comes the bulls**t excuse, if the "buyer" will even return our e-mails? I know that you're upset. I've used experiences such as this as learning experiences. We're all here because we LOVE audio. But that doesn't mean that everyone here is above board. Hey, you'll someday probably laugh about this. But he will ALWAYS be a dirtball! Happy Tunes!
If all is true, the situation between the Lawyer and yourself was a terrible experience and I can feel your frustration. I also feel for the first inquiry that was willing to purchase the amps and feel that he also was jerked around. Life comes with little guarantees. One must always make decisions in everyday life and sometimes we make a bad choice. “A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush.” One can stay positive, and search for, and gain, the good in any bad. A lesson may have been learned, and the positive is that you still have your amps. Telling the world that the Lawyer’s system sounded badly, throws insult along with exposing spite. The phrase “what comes around goes around” may apply. I don’t see your point, but have gained myself.
Dekay- funny!!! (open robe joke)
I bet there is more to this than meets the eye.Too bad we couldnt hear from the prospective buyers.Hey,you guys reading this?
Guys like the recipient of the demo wouldn't get it if they read this whole thread.Typically they have their own brand of logic.Like Mom always said,it takes all kinds.Don't anticipate being able to change this kind,anytime soon.---Yo,Marty: hind sight is always- well,-- you know. Charles----- You know,life is for learning;-- you just did --You'll be the better for it.
Sorry to get off-base but way above Mejames mentioned that he gave someone $50 for a demo of an amplifier he did not ultimately purchase. Does anyone know of any companies that purchase audio equipment just to let people pay to demo? There is a lot I would like to try in advance but do not have local access to and don't want to use new gear as a tryout.